To the Graduates...
Graduates you are about to embark on a new chapter of your life. You will not feel any different than you do today, but you will have the world open itself up to you in ways you don’t even know yet. Even if you do not change addresses or immediately pack your bags ahead of graduation, people will begin to place you in a different category in their expectations of you, and for that you have absolutely no control. That is the amazing and terrifying fact of growing up. And by growing up you are about to realize a few things as you make your way in this world. That every decision, good and bad comes with a cost. That relationships grow and shrink with the time and effort that we put into them. That being overwhelmed does not stop the world from turning and time marches on regardless of our readiness to meet its demands. With any luck you will find friendship and enmity, love and heartbreak, success and failure, people that love you no matter what, and people that never seem to be im...